EMT Exam Prep: Hands-On And Written Study Skills

Education & Development Blog

Whether you're studying to get your initial EMT certification or you're a veteran going through the renewal process, EMT test prep can make the difference between passing and failing. When it comes to EMT test prep, it can help to break your studying to focus on the two parts of the test: written and practical.

Here's a quick guide to help you take a two-pronged approach to EMT test prep:

On the Page

Because the written test can feel like the easier section to study for, many aspiring and veteran EMTs tend to focus most of their test prep on this section. However, this section can often be easier for test-takers than the practical component, thus you should be efficient when studying for the written section.

  • Take a Practice Test: it helps familiarize yourself with the written exam's content. The written exam consists of multiple-choice questions that test your knowledge of emergency medical care, while the practical exam tests your hands-on skills in simulated emergency situations. The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) EMT Candidate Handbook can be a great resource for finding authentic practice tests. Once you take a few practice tests, you can focus on the gaps in your knowledge.
  • Specific Material: now that you have the results from your practice test, you can find an online textbook to focus on the content you don't know. When choosing an online textbook, it can be worth the extra resources to choose an option with additional materials like flashcards, audiobook files, and other study resources.

Use Your Hands

The practical component of the EMT exam can be where many test takers trip up. To make sure you learn the hands-on skills you need to be an effective EMT and pass the EMT exam, you need to practice.

  • Go to the Lab: many EMT programs offer labs or skills sessions where you can practice these skills under the supervision of an instructor. Alternatively, you can also practice with a partner or in a simulated environment.
  • Sign Up: review courses can be a helpful way to review the material and practice exam-taking skills. Many EMT programs offer review courses as part of their curriculum, or you can find a review course through a private provider. To focus on the practical part of the exam, look for a provider who offers in-person or hybrid options.

Like all exams, it's important to take care of yourself while studying for the EMT exam. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat well, and find healthy ways to cope with any test anxiety you might be feeling. It can also be helpful to take breaks and practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to reduce stress.

Reach out to an education provider to sign up for EMT exam prep.


9 January 2023

Becoming an Adult

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